Law of Attraction

Goals – Keeping Focused and On Track

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Having set your goals is one thing but keeping focused and on track is quite another thing altogether.  If you are not working with a coach or extremely motivated to achieve your goal on time it is easy to lets things slip.

Often when we set goals we are inspired and motivate, keen to achieve whatever it is we want.  However it is easy to sit back and expect things to happen, before you know it often time has flown by and little progress has been made.  It’s not that we don’t want the goal .. just that it is not as motivating when having set a goal then you have to actually take action to make it happen

Most goals require some form of physical engagement, whether it be to write a book, lose weight, run a marathon, change jobs.  It takes a lot of thinking and effort to turn your dream goal into a reality and it is so easy to start making progress then become complacent or become side tracked only to find that time has slipped by and your not making the progress you had planned or have lapsed with the progress you have made.

How best to stay focused and on track:

  1. Write your goals down, make sure they are SMART goals and have a deadline.
  2. Next chunk down you goal into smaller, achievable steps – working on one at a time makes it less scary if it is a big goal.
  3. Chart your progress – it’s motivating to see what you are achieving as you go.
  4. Work with a Coach – or if that is not possible join a Coaching Group.  Meet with other people who have goals they are working on will help you feel motivated as you help and support each other.

If you are interested in our Coaching Groups you will find our sessions listed on Eventbrite

We also run GOALS sessions for people who would like to check in with a coach on a regular basis to keep themselves motivated and on track .

Law of Attraction session October 2014 in Newcastle

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This session is a great Introduction to the Law of Attraction.

We will look at the steps to take to successfully engage the Law of Attraction to attract Personal and Professional success.
This is an interactive session in which members share their own knowledge, experience and success when engaging the Law of Attraction.
Whether you are new to the concept of engaging the Law of Attraction or if you have used it before this is a great informal session to meet other like minded people and take something positive from the session.

Refreshments provided – please bring a notebook and pen.
Limited places available (10) so that everyone has the opportinity to contribute.

Meeting Location:
Room 1.3, West 15, Whickham View, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 6UN
Meeting room is on the first floor (please note there is no lift in the building)

The session is facilitated by Newcastle Performance Coaching Limited – this is one of their regular Personal Development ‘Cafe’ sessions.

Tickets available on Eventbrite …

Pub Grub a Foxy meal

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Professional People North East are joining up with the Personal Development Circle North East and other meetup groups in the North East for their monthly pub night at the Fox and Hounds in Newcastle this week.  Typically we have 15-30 people pop along and have something to eat and drink.  It’s very relaxed and informal – so if you are at a loose end why not come along and join us.


Professional People North East
Professional People North East

Professional People North East is a social group for single professionals in the North East who first and foremost want to build friendships and socialise – meeting someone special for some would be a bonus.

Not all single 40+ people want to hit the dating sites or have a friend, colleague or family member play matchmaker for them. So this group is idea for anyone who would like to get out a bit more, build friendships, socialise with other single professionals.

Great thing is that it’s so cheap to join – £10 a year and if you go to our events then you buy your own food, drinks and tickets so you have control of what you spend and can keep within your financial budget.

What do we do? We are an events website that run pub meals, coffee, cinema, friendship group, restaurants in the North East. Members log in – find out what events are on and if they want to go they click the RSVP button to let other members know they will be going – simple!!!

Where do we meet? Newcastle and Gateshead mainly however any member can add a social event to our calendar so if you are in Sunderland, Durham, Tyne Valley, Northumberland that’s fine – just pop up an event on our website (its free to add you own things) at your local pub, coffee shop or maybe a walk somewhere nice, dancing lessons, or whatever interests you. See who comes along and maybe you will be a new friend or 10.

Join us today … Professional People North East


Personal Development Circle North East
Personal Development Circle North East

The Personal Development Circle North East if for people who are interested in their personal self development, they have regular sessions most weeks.  Workshops are called ‘Cafes’ as they are relaxed, informal and there’s plenty coffee/tea to be had.  Sessions include life coaching, building positive relationships, improving confidence and self esteem, engaging the Law of Attraction, Spirituality, NLP, stress, stress management, time management and more.  At only £15 a year for membership which gives access to so many workshops and discussion groups (many discounted to PDCNE members) this website is well worth checking out.

Find out more:  Personal Development Circle North East


Both groups are sponsored by Newcastle Performance Coaching Limited a coaching, training and consultancy business that works with Professional People in the North East to bridge the gap to their success.

Coaching Club – The Journey to Goal Success

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Well we passed Blue Monday and how many of us are still on track with our goals?  Setting goals is the easy bit.  I challenged members of my Coaching Club to set some great inspiring goals for the first quarter of 2014 and they did a great job. Well they delivered and came up with some cracking goals, I was well impressed.

This week we are looking a Milestones and Resources, looking at commitment to reach our goals and connecting with the great feelings we will have when we achieve success.

The Coaching Club is on each week in January and February (Saturday afternoons) and you get purchase your tickets on Eventbrite.

The PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT CIRCLE NORTH EAST workshops kick off tomorrow morning with a Law of Attraction session 10am to 12 noon.  This week we are looking at the Law of Attraction and Health.


Coaching Club - Personal Development Circle North East
Coaching Club – Personal Development Circle North East


Personal Development Circle North East



The meeting is open to ANYONE looking to discuss and explore the Law of Attraction.

Each month we cover a different topic



Below are the topics we will be covering in our 2014 Law of Attraction Cafe.


JANUARY – Health and the Law of Attraction.

• Explore how the Law of attraction can help you with well being and general health.

• Use the power of the universe for pain relief and stress management.

• Discover how your mind can help you use the Law most effectively.

• Attract good health to you and your family.

• This meeting will be held in the Centre for Sport, Newcastle. 

• Refreshments not provided.

• Feel free to bring drink/flask with you.

• The meeting will end 12 noon prompt as the Coaching Club starts at 1pm in the same venue.



FEBRUARY – Your Life Goal and the Law of Attraction

Time for a fresh start?  Discuss how the Law of Attraction can give you the best life purpose that you truly want.

• Map out your next steps and where you see yourself in the coming months.

• Learn techniques to help ditch old behaviours and work effectively with the power of the universe.

• An ideal opportunity to find out more aobut having the life that you really want and discuss with like minded people


MARCH – Money and the Law of Attraction

Let’s talk about finances and how very simply we can work with the universe to bring more financial security, build bigger business and grasp opportunities.  Discuss how to let go of old patterns and learn new ways of visualising abundance coming to you


APRIL – Relationships and the Law of Attraction

MAY – Gratitude and the Law of Attraction

JUNE – Understanding the Law of Attraction

JULY – The Law of Attraction open session

AUGUST – summer break no meeting

SEPTEMBER – Living the Law of Attraction every day

OCTOBER – Tools to help you succeed with the Law of Attraction

NOVEMBER – Take action, Attitude and Gratitude with the Law of Attraction

DECEMBER – No meeting



Refreshments are not included so bring a drink/flask along with you.

£10 meeting fee for members of the Personal Development Circle North East

£15 for non members – tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite


ATTEND BOTH WORKSHOPS FOR £15 (cash on arrival)

Both sessions are held tomorrow at the Centre for Sport, West Road, Newcastle upon Tyne





Law of Attraction Meetings are usually held monthly.

The PDCNE also run ‘Teachings of Abraham’ & ‘Spirituality’ meetings see our calendar for details.


No meeting in August (summer holidays)

No meeting in December (winding down for Christmas)

This meeting will be held in Newcastle, venue may vary.


January is all about kicking off 2014 with new goals and getting motivated to change

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I know sometimes it is hard for people to keep up with all the events we have running- but that is good – it shows we have lots on offer for you to pick from.  To keep things simple here is a quick and easy guide to what is coming up in January 2014.

Please support the  Personal Development Circle North East and it’s presenters as best you can by attending the meetings that interest you, coming along to our socials and forwarding details of our events to people you know who may be interested in coming along to our events.

The Personal Development Circle North East is a not for profit group.  We deliver quality events for people at very affordable prices.  Events will run whether 1 person or 30 people attend.  We may make a loss on some events but make it up on other ones.  

Restricted numbers apply to many events (due to the size of the rooms) except the socials and the NLP Cafe so early booking is recommended.


2nd JANUARY  2014 – we went for drinks at the Pitcher & Piano on the Quayside in Newcastle.  It was a free event, attendees purchase their own food & drinks at bar.  This was a really good meeting


11th JANUARY 2014

NLP Cafe 

10am to 12 noon (venue to be confirmed)

secure your place on our website or purchase tickets on Eventbrite

£10 PDCNE members – £15 non-members


11 JANUARY 2014

Life Coaching Cafe  – Introduction to Life Coaching includes a group coaching session 

1pm to 3pm – Centre for Sport – West Rd, Newcastle

secure your place on our website or purchase tickets on Eventbrite

£10 PDCNE members – £15 non-members


18 JANUARY 2014 – Saturday morning Get together – social meeting for Coffee in Newcastle


18 JANUARY 2014

Life Coaching Cafe  – Goal Setting 

Venue Centre for Sport – West Rd, Newcastle

1pm to 3pm

£10 PDCNE members – £15 non-members


20 JANUARY 2014

Law of Attraction – Make your 2014 Vision Board 

Venue – Newcastle City Centre



21 JANUARY 2014 – Bar meal / drinks – see website for venue Newcastle

free event – just purchase your own food & drinks at bar


23 JANUARY 2014

Spirituality Cafe 

Centre for Sport – West Rd, Newcastle

7pm to 9pm



25 JANUARY 2014 10am to 12 noon

Law of Attraction Cafe

Centre for Sport – West Rd, Newcastle

£10 PDCNE members – £15 non-members


25 JANUARY  2014 – 1pm to 3pm 

Life Coaching Cafe – Resourses and Milestones

Centre for Sport – West Rd, Newcastle

£10 PDCNE members – £15 non-members


28 JANUARY 2014 – 7pm to 9pm

Teachings of Abraham

Venue to be confirmed

£10 PDCNE members – £15 non-members


Here’s a quick run through of our regular sessions:

  • Coaching Cafe – saturday afternoons weekly 1pm to 3pm
  • NLP Cafe – monthly Saturday morning 10am to 12noon 
  • Personal Development Cafe – monthly Saturday afternoon 2pm to 4pm starting March 2014 
  • Law of Attraction Cafe – monthly Saturday morning 10am to 12noon 
  • Teachings of Abraham discussion group – monthly Tuesday evenings 7pm to 9pm 
  • Spirituality Cafe – monthly Thursday evening 7pm to 9pm 
  • Support Group (summertime only)


Some events are also listed in our other groups:

Professional People North East

Business Development Circle North East

Personal Development Workshops 2014

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I have spent some time recently working on the 2014 calendar for the PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT CIRCLE NORTH EAST and am pleased to say it is pretty much finalised.

We have 3 presenters presenting monthly workshops:

  • Coaching Cafe – Aly, Newcastle Performance Coaching, weekly 1pm-3pm January – February then monthly
  • Personal Development Cafe – Caroline Malloy – monthly on a Saturday 2pm – 4pm
  • NLP Cafe in Gateshead – Jay Arnott – monthly on a Saturday 10am – 12 noon
  • Law of Attraction Cafe – Caroline Cogdon – monthly on a Saturday 10am – 12 noon
  • Teachings of Abraham – Aly, Newcastle Performance Coaching, monthly (evening)
  • Spirituality Cafe – Aly, Newcastle Performance Coaching, monthly (evening)

I’m running a 7 week group coaching course starting in January and February, as well as a few one-off workshops (confidence, self-esteem, stress management etc) and will deliver the above if for any reason the usual presenter is unavailable.

For the exact dates and locations of meetings please check our website.

I do have some places left for ‘guest workshops’.  If you are interested in presenting a workshop for the PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT CIRCLE NORTH EAST please get in touch and with details of your website, the workshop and some information about yourself.  Please note any guest presentations should not conflict with any of the other presenters above.  Priority to presenting to the group is always given to PAID PDCNE members.

We have the Christmas stress-buster night on Saturday 7 December 2013 if you are interested in presenting to the Personal Development Circle North East then come along and deliver a 15 minute presentation.  Coming along to this event is an ideal opportunity for you to meet me, the other members of the group and discuss future workshops.

Once I have finalised the PDCNE calendar for 2014 in mid December I will not be adding any new presentations/workshops until the summer except for our regular presenters and a couple of people I’m in the process of securing dates with.

In addition to the Personal Development Circle North East I also run 2 other meetup groups – PARENTS NORTH EAST and PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE NORTH EAST.  The opportunity to present in workshops applies to ALL 3 groups I run.

Not everyone in the group is interested in presenting which is great, all members contribute to the group whether it’s at a social, by attending, supporting or help promoting events or getting involved in presenting.

In order to be successful the groups rely upon members being active so join us, take time to look around the websites and book into anything that appeals (someone has to be the first to RSVP!!) you can always change your mind nearer the time.

Will questioning our values make us happier?

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Will questioning our values make us happier?

The decisions we make in life are often dictated by our values and beliefs.  Most of your values and beliefs would have came from those around you as you grew up; friends, family, teachers, peers.  The values and beliefs that we have are what have shaped us into who we are today.

If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got.  Anthony Robbins.

The values and beliefs we have are what empower us to take action but also what holds us back at times.  If you look back at your life you can often recall where they came from.  Write down what your values and beliefs, ask yourself where they originate from and look for evidence to back them up.

For example being told you are clumsy by an aunt when you were a child may have caused you to grow up believing that you are clumsy.  Interestingly when you look back at your life you are most likely to recall events and occasions when you dropped or damaged something.  However by turning things around and looking for situations where you have not been clumsy, dropped things etc and focus on times where you have can evidence this is not the case your views may change.

Your values and beliefs could be holding you back from succeeding in life; impacting on decisions you take.  For example, not starting a new relationship because you were hurt previously, not seeking career progression as you are worried your peers may resent your success and your relationships may suffer, not losing weight because you have been unsuccessful previously.

Just because you have been unsuccessful previously does not mean that you are a failure, it just means that you may need to look for other resources or skills to help you achieve what it is you are seeking to do.

What is it that makes you happy?

Take some time out with a pen and paper;

  1. Write down 10 things you love doing.
  2. Put the list in order as to the things you enjoy doing most at the top of the list.
  3. Write down next to each answer at least 7 things about what it is that you love about it.
  1. Now write down 10 things you hate doing.
  2. Again put the list in order and put the things you most dislike doing at the top.
  3. Ask yourself what it is about each thing that you least like doing and why, try to come up with 7 answers for each.
  4. Ask yourself if there is any evidence to support why you dislike the things you hate doing?  Has something been said or done to make you feel this way.
  5. Now ask yourself what 7 things could you do to make doing each activity more enjoyable.
  6. Do you feel differently about them differently now?
  7. Are you willing to give them a go?

This is more than just identifying a list of things that you really like doing and the things that you hate doing. The reasons why you like or dislike something often comes down to the values and beliefs you have.  This is normal, as is the desire to challenge our ways of thinking so that we can live a happier more fulfilled life.

The same process applies when you are setting goals.  The secret to great goal setting is more than just writing a list of ‘wants’.  Take time to set goals around things that you love to do and this will make them easier to achieve.  If you come across challenges do not give up, look at the challenge and explore ways to get around them, is the challenge down to your values and beliefs?  If so, look for evidence to disprove a limiting belief and identify ways that you are able to move forward.

When you live your life in accordance with your values and beliefs you will be happy and fulfilled.  If you have limiting beliefs that are not serving you it is fine to question where you got the belief from and seek to replace it with a more empowering belief that will serve you better.

When should you make a start?  No time like the present!  Why put off what you can do now?

(c) Written Aly Sproat, Newcastle Performance Coaching

Further reading:

The Rough Guide to Happiness: Practical steps for all-round well-being (Rough Guide Reference) by Nick Baylis and Rough Guide

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Why The Law Of Attraction Really Works

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Why The Law Of Attraction Really Works

Whatever thing you do or whatever business you are running you might be heard about The Law of Attraction. That law simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about (consciously or sometimes unconsciously). Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest. The masters of the Law of Attraction say that if you study how to use it in a good way you’ll never need anything in life.

Before I try to explain in details how The Law of Attraction works, who use it and why logically you could use it too, I’d like to explain you that if you want to begin using the Law, you must be able to suspend your disbelief. I mean that if you’re pretty sure that the Law of Attraction is just a nice story that is impossible to apply in your life because of this and that…..and hardly will work for you, I can surely tell you that you won’t get anything of it so just don’t waste your time and continue to keep your eyes and mind closed. However, if you can suspend your disbelief and try to have “what if…maybe?” attitude, you will discover how things are working for you and for the world under the Law of Attraction.

You might be heard that all in the world is energy even us, and we all work as magnets and we attract different energies ….OK this you might believe or not it’s up to you. I would like to speak about clear examples from our history Einstein, Walt Disney, Bill Gates used the most powerful and potent form of energy known in the universe –the thought. This mean that whatever is going in your mind is what you are attracting into your life right now. All those famous people discover that the thought has frequencies and send out magnetic energy that attracts. So you become and attract what you think about most and here is the challenge that the thought with the strongest energy can apply to your life and become reality (can become things!).That’s why they had such a great success in the things they really believe and put all their energy and thoughts into before even the world believe them.

Most people think about what they don’t want to in their life (it’s easier)…but by default they attract more of the same. If your thought is combined with strong emotion (good or bad) you speed up your process. Have you noticed that those that speak more about illness have it….and those that speak more about positive stuff, prosperity have it.

Whatever you are feeling right now is a perfect reflection of what’s in process of becoming. Only your persistent thought and emotion can speed up the process when you will see it in the reality. And you set exactly what you are feeling so happy feelings will attract more happy circumstances. Visualizing positively that you have it all that you need and want will make your conscious to believe it and the universe will respond to that energy. Feeling grateful will create more things in your life to be grateful for. It is really that simple but we need to control our thought in every moment and this is the complicate stuff.

You can take stepping back and looking in your life from different point to become aware of how you are unconsciously using and have used the Law of Attraction already. Remember the story of your life how you were here than you were there doing this, why you meet this person and what did you think, what happened. I was very surprised at the beginning while looking back at my life I found how strong the power of the Law of Attraction can be (of course the Law of Attraction was depending how strong was my thought.)

I know that with the Law of Attraction can raise some tough questions that don’t seem to have good answers-things that had happened in our life and we never wanted they’ve happened by our thoughts. I would say, however, that these problems aren’t caused by the Law of Attraction itself but rather by the Law of Attraction as applied to objective reality. This entire reality is your creation. We should feel good about that. Feel grateful for the richness of your world. And then begin creating the reality you truly want by making decisions and holding intentions. Think about what you desire, and withdraw your thoughts from what you don’t want. The most natural, easiest way to do this is to pay attention to your emotions. You can make the experiment yourself by thinking about your desires that makes you feel good, and then thinking about what you don’t want makes you feel bad. You’ll notice that you feel bad when you’re thinking about something you don’t want. Then you just turn your focus back towards what you do want, and your emotional state will improve rapidly.

Good luck with your life and let me know what great things you mainfest with the Law of Attraction.

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